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Document management system a first for Eastern Cape

Johannesburg, 15 Sep 2003

The State Information Technology Agency (SITA) and Enterprise Commerce Systems are about to roll-out an electronic document management system (EDMS) for the Eastern Cape Province's Department of Education. The project is set to commence at the end of September.

This roll-out will be a pilot project, based on which the EDMS will be implemented across the entire Eastern Cape Province, says SITA Project Manager, Sidwell Ngqando. "The focus, however, is for now on the Departments of Health, Public Works and Social Development, which were identified by the provincial interim management as main areas of concern."

The EDMS project will integrate technologies such as document imaging, document services, workflow, enterprise report management, forms management and optical character recognition, as well as intelligent character recognition (ICR) technologies.

The system will also streamline business processes and provide an electronic audit trail to establish, among others, accountability. It will also provide a more secure environment, with electronic backup of data and information being electronically backed up and 'auto archived'. This is more secure than paper based archives, which can easily be lost or destroyed," Sidwell said.

"The EDMS project," says Sydwell, "is part of the overall e-government strategy of making government 'e-ready' and more effective, as well as accessible to the public. It will assist with the flow of information and increase communication between various government departments across the country to ensure increased public service delivery."
