
DigiKnow: Mac devices boost productivity, security, reduce costs

Apple technology addresses some of the top priorities of organisations today
Apple technology addresses some of the top priorities of organisations today

According to Digicape, an Apple Premium Reseller and Authorised Service Provider, deploying Apple Mac devices has been proven to measurably improve employee performance and engagement, reduce the risks of a data breach and lower IT support and operational costs.

Apple technology addresses some of the top priorities of organisations today. A key concern for most organisations is security. High-performance Apple products offer some of the most advanced security and data protection features available, reducing cyber risk by up to 50% over other PCs. With the Apple ecosystem, users can be confident that their data is secure and protected, allowing them to focus on their work with peace of mind.

IT cost management, another major concern, is supported by Mac’s Zero-Touch Deployment and Mobile Device Management (MDM) enrolment process, the minimal IT labour and resources needed for integration and ongoing platform support, together with fewer service tickets. Seventy percent of Mac users experienced under two issues on their Mac in the past 12 months, which adds up to approximately R12 000 savings per device over three years.

Research into Apple’s total economic impact has found that on average, businesses save up to $635 per Mac compared to the cost of support and operation of PCs during the three-year device life cycle. Not only is Mac easier to deploy, but because there is no need to purchase an operating system licence and Apple automatically pushes out OS and security updates, it’s also easier to maintain applications and keep up the security. Compared to PCs, Mac costs $207.75 less in hardware and software costs over the three-year device life.

Importantly, organisations achieve a better return on investment (ROI) with Mac devices. With fewer support tickets, less software needed and a higher residual value, Mac-only environments offer total ROI increases of around 300%.

Mac has also been proven to improve employee performance and engagement.

Recent market research on why employees choose and use Mac at work shows 97% say Mac increases their productivity, 94% say Mac increases self-sufficiency, 79% say they could not do their job as effectively without Mac, and 5% say Mac increases their creativity. On average, businesses using Mac devices improve their staff retention rate by 20%. Switching to Mac can increase the productivity of all employees by 5%, leading to an additional 104 hours of additional productivity for Mac users annually. For example, they reduce start-up times by 80%, which leads to 48 hours of increased productivity over three years.

Take the next step on your Apple journey with Digicape

To find out how Digicape can help your business experience some of the many benefits of transitioning to a Mac environment and take the next step on your ongoing Apple journey, click here.
