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Developers can embed workflows automatically with Control-M Automation API from Blue Turtle

Blue Turtle Technologies is assisting developers to better manage and track testing environments with Control-M Automation API, an extension of the Control-M suite that enables developers to embed workflows automatically during development. The benefit of this is diagnosing and addressing errors sooner, while at the same time improving the reliability of applications.

As only one of nine global BMC platinum partners, Blue Turtle currently boasts the largest Control-M resource pool in Africa and services more than 27 customers in the region. The company has been recognised as the Control-M partner of the year in SEMEA for the last three years consecutively.

"The speed at which developers need to deliver on and roll out applications that support digital transformation, often leads to errors and bugs in code as there is little time between testing and deployment," states Simon Shaw at Blue Turtle Technologies. "Speed is not the only issue here, and these errors can in part be attributed to inconsistencies between production and testing workflows. This is where Control-M Automation API steps in and enables developers and Devops teams to embed Job-As-Code approach right from the get-go.

"Leveraging industry best standards, this Agile approach to development makes use of JSON notations for job definitions and GIT and RESTful APIs for the validation, configuration and deployment purposes."

With Control-M Automation API developers can now build automation into their process and speed up the steps to production, this then affords them visibility into what their production workflows look like before they are up and running. The tool also enables seamless integration and alignment to existing business processes and aligns developers to operations - to ensure that all work being done is executed on a consistent platform.

There is no actual scripting required to deploy the Job-As-Code approach as this is already embedded in Control-M Automation API, however additional APIs and CLIs are provided to assist in the workflow coding, building, testing, running, packaging, deploying, provisioning, configuration and management.

The offering also includes Control-M Workbench, a free to download standalone development environment that provides the user the ability to test their job flows without requiring additional services. Workbench is also Control-M ready to use in a sandbox mode as a virtual appliance and runs on all major OS environments. It has a Web GUI for simple debugging and testing of workflows, and supports run and tracking of jobs, syntax validation, managing Control-M environments and packaging of job and configuration objects.

"Control-M Automation API is the perfect accompaniment to a developer's toolbox as it makes the entire process of development to delivery seamless and error free. At Blue Turtle we have been invited by vendor partner BMC to attend an exclusive internal Control-M training and enhancement programme. We believe this will provide us with unprecedented access to technical and development experts, the learning transfer of which will be of direct benefit to our Control-M customers," ends Shaw.

Pre- and post-sales support, technical assistance, project scoping and sales of Control-M Automation API is available immediately through Blue Turtle Technologies.

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Editorial contacts

Samantha Griffith
Blue Turtle Technologies
(011) 206 5600