
Democratising data: Empowering IT for a data-driven future

Greg Strydom, CEO, Think Tank Software Solutions.

Johannesburg, 17 Sep 2024
Data blind spots are more common than we like to admit.
Data blind spots are more common than we like to admit.

As the CEO of a tech consulting firm, I’ve experienced firsthand the frustration of chasing down data across multiple systems just to answer a single question. One minute, I'm digging through our CRM for client insights; the next, I'm navigating our project management tools for updates on deliverables. It shouldn’t be this hard. Yet, like many leaders, I often find myself wondering: with all this data at our fingertips, why does it still feel like finding a needle in a haystack?

The truth is, businesses today are drowning in data but starving for insight. From cloud infrastructure to edge computing, we gather mountains of information daily. But despite this abundance, many organisations struggle to make it work for them. Without a strategic approach to data, we risk stalling our decision-making, reducing our operational efficiency and exposing our security blind spots. The answer lies in democratising data – breaking down the silos that keep it out of reach for those who need it most.

What's stopping us from leveraging our data?

One of the biggest challenges I see is accessibility. A recent study revealed that over 70% of organisations suffer from siloed data, with security and IT data often kept separate. This segregation creates blind spots that increase cyber security risks, slow productivity and prevent a holistic view of the organisation’s operations. Worse still, the complexity of managing diverse data formats across multiple legacy systems means that valuable information often remains hidden, under-utilised or overlooked.

Ironically, while we implement stringent security protocols to protect data, these same protocols often create barriers for those with legitimate needs. The result? Limited access to critical data, making it difficult for teams to identify patterns, optimise performance or develop comprehensive strategies for improvement.

Navigating data blind spots

Data blind spots are more common than we like to admit. A prime example is poor asset visibility – when IT teams lack real-time information on devices, systems and applications. According to recent research, only 39% of IT teams track device usage and even fewer log crucial details like device age or licence provisioning. This failure to manage devices effectively can create a fertile ground for security breaches, ransomware attacks and unauthorised access.

To address these blind spots, we must improve our telemetry data capabilities by standardising data collection across all systems and leveraging automation to gain a comprehensive, real-time view of the environment. By closing these gaps, we can enhance security, improve efficiency and empower teams across all departments to act proactively rather than reactively.

Making data work for everyone, not against them

Data can be a double-edged sword. With the rise of remote work, the workload for IT teams has surged and help desk tickets have skyrocketed. This increase in demand is contributing to burnout among IT professionals. If we don’t treat data as a strategic asset, the burden on these teams will only grow.

AI and automation can be game-changers here. For example, having access to detailed device data can shorten the mean time to repair (MTTR) for help desk tickets. AI-powered tools can predict maintenance needs, resolve issues before they escalate and even categorise help desk tickets, directing them to the right agents. This approach enables every department – from IT to HR, finance to marketing – to focus on higher-value activities that drive the business forward.

Building a standardised data foundation

The lack of a unified data framework is a significant hurdle. Without standardisation, teams struggle to identify and manage critical data points. A lack of consensus on which data to track and manage results in missed opportunities and inefficiencies.

Implementing a configuration management database (CMDB) can create a strong foundation by mapping IT infrastructure and consolidating data into a standard format. This unified approach allows us to automate routine tasks, optimise workflows and empower our teams to focus on strategic initiatives. It's not just about managing data – it's about making data work for us.

Creating a data-driven culture

To truly democratise data, we must weave it into the fabric of our organisation – a unified, accessible resource that powers decision-making and drives innovation. By breaking down silos and standardising access, we empower teams across all departments to see the bigger picture, make informed decisions and enhance productivity and security.

The future belongs to those who treat data as a strategic asset, not a hidden resource. By investing in the right infrastructure and fostering a data-driven culture, we can unlock new levels of efficiency, security and innovation. It's time to transform data from a challenge into a competitive advantage.

Want to learn more?

For a deeper dive into how you can democratise data in your organisation and overcome the common challenges, download our comprehensive Democratising Data Report available on our website:

This report offers actionable insights and strategies to help you turn your data into a powerful tool for growth and innovation.
