
Datatec division celebrates success of new product

By Datatec
Johannesburg, 24 Jul 2000

A new groundbreaking data processing tool developed by UK-based Datatec Advisory Services communications consultancy, Mason Communications, has proved its value by aiding British company, Transco, in its entry into the telecommunications market.

The product, Horizon, was used to accurately assess the value of Transco`s existing communications masts and industrial land for the construction of new telecommunications towers. Transco is an arm of LSE listed, BG Group plc, which runs Britain`s gas network.

The impeccable timing of this deal means that Transco and SpectraSite, its joint venture partner, are now in a prime position to maximize revenue, as the winners of the third generation mobile phone licences clamber to lease space on telecommunications towers and buildings.

Mason`s Horizon tool helped Transco fast-track its first foothold in the telecomms market, partly due to the rapid speed at which the tool can assess the value of thousands of sites. It works by taking information about the location and size of a company`s towers, buildings and land and calculating their potential value, based on key criteria which determine their value to telcos seeking to build new 3G networks.

Steve Copley, BG Group Director Telecoms said, "The SpectraSite towers joint venture was Transco`s first move into the telecomms market and it provided us with some challenging business decisions. Masons` contribution, via output from their Horizon data processing tool, proved invaluable in aiding our understanding of the value of our portfolio".

Stephen Lawrence, CEO of Datatec`s Advisory Services` division, said, "The development of the Horizon tool will ensure Mason Communications remains as the UK`s leading telecommunications consultancy, as it can have benefit to both property owners and mobile telecom operators. It has already helped Transco identify significant additional value for their sites and masts, but as identifying good site positions for mobile telecom masts becomes more difficult due to planning regulations, Horizon will enable operators to identify suitable sites faster than before. This will lead to the faster roll-out and as a consequence earlier revenue for the operators of the third generation networks.`



Mason Communications is the UKs leading telecommunications consultancy, with extensive experience in providing independent, advice to international clients in the public and private sectors. Mason`s services include: technology planning, e-business consulting, network design, procurement and project management. The company has offices in Manchester, London, Edinburgh and Dublin.


On 22 March 2000, the BG Group announced its intention to pursue a demerger which will separate its two principal businesses, Transco and BG International, in order to provide each with greater opportunities to realise their potential for growth, based on different core skills and markets. The new Transco group that will be formed from this demerger will partner SpectraSite in the joint venture mentioned in this release.

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