Big data presents a massive opportunity. Your customers - who have come to expect a high level of responsiveness thanks to the consumerisation of IT - demand that information and offers be custom-tailored to their needs. At the same time, IT must move from being a cost centre to a value creator by enhancing sales, marketing, the supply chain, human resources, finance, and many other facets of the enterprise, including IT itself. But, it's impossible to support the level of analytics required to meet these expectations with a traditional IT infrastructure.
As IT becomes more of a value creator to the business by providing more on-demand delivery capabilities, the enablement will be through a software-defined infrastructure. This transformation allows IT to respond faster to business needs and new application demands through an optimised hybrid delivery model.
To maintain relevance and do what's needed to eliminate the pockets of shadow IT that have grown up around big data, IT must also insert itself into the business's conversation around how to gain analytics-driven insights, or risk losing the ability to manage those systems and how the company spends its IT budget - not to mention ensuring data and system security.