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Customer experience: the real contact centre currency

Customer experience (CX) is the most valuable currency a contact centre can hold.

The quality of an interaction with a customer can affect how likely they are to make crucial decisions, such as renewing a service or recommending a product to a friend.

Unfortunately, many businesses today invest in customer service in the wrong places.

Omnichannel strategies can play an influential role, but there is no replacement for the connection created during one-on-one phone calls.

According to the CFI Group, 76% of customers call on the phone when contacting customer service. 

How can your contact centre improve how it offers customer service to its clients?

Personalise customer interactions

One of the best ways to personalise and improve the customer experience is to understand the value of your customer’s time – and not waste it!

The ideal approach is to have all of your agent’s tools in one desktop application.

This will help your contact centre team avoid the hassle of having to toggle between multiple desktop applications to get at the information they need.

A tool such as xCally Contact Centre helps manage your customer’s information and keep track of their interactions across multiple channels.

Improve first call resolution

Improving the first call resolution is considered one of the top contact centre best practices.

This crucial factor reflects your team’s ability to resolve customer issues or complaints the first time they reach out to you.

If a customer has to approach your business for a single issue repeatedly, you probably have a failed support system.

ScopServ provides software and services that improve performance from the contact centre to the enterprise.

The solutions enable clients to consistently deliver legendary customer experiences by improving agent effectiveness, contact centre and enterprise performance.

Highlight call flow management

Rather than allowing customers to be passed from pillar to post, intelligent technology can route calls and messages to the most appropriately skilled agent.

Using CRM interfaces, agents can gain access to customer information at the beginning of the interaction, putting them in control from the outset.

ScopStats and ScopSwitch software capture real-time and historical data from the Automatic Call Distribution and create reports that can be displayed on wallboards, desktops, dashboards, web-based reports, email and smartphones.

It can also improve agent performance and increase call centre awareness with real-time reporting for the agents.

According to Call Centre Helper, 2021, 95.7% of contact centre professionals view customer satisfaction as the most critical call centre metric.

It’s vital that your contact centre technology provider gives you the flexibility to adapt and keep pace with customer preferences.

Visit our website for more information about ScopServ Call Center:
