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Creating customer delight in the technology industry

Johannesburg, 15 Oct 2024
Malini Bandi, Founder of CestaSoft Solutions.
Malini Bandi, Founder of CestaSoft Solutions.

The business to business (B2B) purchasing process is challenging. Gartner found that 77% of B2B buyers felt it was complicated or difficult – 95% had to go back and revise their decisions further down the line. Customer delight is rare and yet there have been plenty of studies and bodies of research that have found how B2B customers will willingly pay more for better experiences, will become increasingly loyal to companies that offer them special treatment, and will make purchasing decisions based on their experience with a company alone. Today, as customer trust is on the decline and their demands are on the rise, it has become critical for service providers to prioritise relationships, service delivery and expertise.

Malini Bandi, Founder of CestaSoft Solutions, points out: “When I was in corporate, I did experience we never had 100% delivery from vendors. They would promise it, but we never got the skills or service delivery we expected. It led me to create a business that prioritised skills development and giving 100% back to the customer. In fact, it led to asking – how can a business give 101% so customers come back because they trust in the solutions the organisation delivers?”

It was the question Bandi answered by leaving her job and creating CestaSoft. Built on a vision of upskilling people within South Africa and creating an ecosystem of consistent skills development, CestaSoft is a software development and testing service provider that empowers customers to do more. The company offers a variety of cost-effective and agile solutions designed to meet unique customer needs – and exceed that 101% when it comes to service delivery and customer delight.

“Success isn’t always about growing the business, it’s also about knowledge sharing, empowering businesses and building a community of skills development and shared insights,” says Bandi. “I’ve worked at leading companies around the world and have seen how skills can create chasms between what companies want to achieve and how their people can help them reach their goals. It is so important to take people along with you when you’re creating a business success story.”

This is the ethos behind CetaSoft’s approach to skills retention and development, and how the company approaches customer service and delivery. It was not, Malini says, easy to get customers to say yes at the start – but once they did, they stayed.

“Our ethics and commitment to exceptional, continuous service delivery are felt by our customers,” says Bandi. “They’re staying with us because they see the value of our work and the passion we have for building relationships and prioritising their business growth. It hasn’t been easy – breaking into the market has had its challenges, but we’ve seen exceptional growth over the past three years. I think one of my stand-out moments was when our first customer gave us a chance – their belief gave us the impetus we needed to stay the course.”

CestaSoft has expanded from three people in 2018 to more than 70 in 2024 and every person is committed to continuing this growth, while putting customers at the front of every conversation. It is a commitment that is also reflected in the community work undertaken by the company and Bandi.

“In our case, success breeds success. Our focus in making a difference to our customers has been rewarded with growth of our business. We are motivated to continue on this path and make an impact in the industry and in the country,” she says. “We have invested in community upliftment initiatives and training designed to give young people a chance to build their own careers. As a woman who has faced her own obstacles in the business world, I recognise the value of helping others to navigate challenges and thrive.”

Today, CestaSoft continues its impressive growth while remaining laser focused on providing each and every customer with exceptional service. Going beyond just 101%, CestaSoft celebrates every deal, and prioritises every customer so they are confident that the service they receive and the solutions they use are the highest quality and to the highest standards.
