Altron this afternoon announced the resignation of executive director Craig Venter, who the company says, has decided to leave the group.
In a statement to shareholders, Altron says the move is in line with an earlier announcement when it was reported that, as part of a review of the group's business strategy, the company will commence transitioning from a family-managed business to an independent management structure.
Venter leaves the Altron group after 27 years of service, 18 of which he served as an executive director.
"While the Venter family will continue to exercise control over the Altron group by virtue of its 56% shareholding in Altron, the company and Craig have mutually agreed to the termination of his employment and directorships with effect from 31 July 2015, in order to allow Craig to play more of an oversight role in the Venter family's private investments," the group says.
"The board wishes to express its appreciation to Craig for his many years of dedicated service on the Altron board, as well as to the Altron group."