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Consumer power continues to drive mobility

Johannesburg, 19 Jun 2008

Adele Oosthuizen, Axiz category lead, HP PSG platform says that consumers are still the major driving force behind mobility. She says there are several reasons for this growing phenomenon and believes that it is unlikely to stop any time soon.

"Consumers for a variety of reasons are driving the adoption as well as evolution of mobility. This has had a direct impact on the products on offer and we are now seeing the launch of a wide variety of notebooks which are both Microsoft Office and HSDPA ready. There is also incredible demand as a result of infrastructure and industry issues such as load shedding and the renewal of the SITA contract." says Oosthuizen.

Running parallel to these business and environmental issues is the undeniable Web 2.0 revolution which has almost reinvented what the World Wide Web is all about. "This time round, consumers are driving the development of the Web and what you are able to do," says Oosthuizen.

She says this phenomenon is within both business and social environments, all of which are driving the demand for mobile devices and connectivity.

What was previously the domain of high level executives has now filtered down to the man on the street making mobile e-mail a common tool along with instant messaging, internet banking and a host of other web applications. "This is especially true in South Africa where 80 percent of the population has a mobile phone," comments Oosthuizen.

She says that mobility is no longer viewed as an expensive or business-only perk. Consumers of all ages are now able to connect and be connected. This would not be possible if the technology had not leap-frogged the impending demand and delivered some very accessible hardware, successfully enabling ubiquitous connectivity.

According to Oosthuizen the latest products from HP are a good example of the choices available today. Not only are they price competitive but they offer a variety of options to consumers, all of which embody HPs professional innovations, which form the foundation for HPs entire notebook family.

Oosthuizen says these intuitive technologies enable HP to adapt to the different needs of each consumer: "HP has focused on the three most important needs a user has: security, ease of use and reliability. Bundled together, HP has ensured that a consumer will not only get good value, but will be able to utilise the notebook whenever and wherever. After all, isn't that what mobility is all about?"


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