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Code alteration isn't what open source is about

Although open source uptake is increasing, companies are still missing its true value: the community support and backing.

Muggie van Staden
By Muggie van Staden, CEO, Obsidian Systems.
Johannesburg, 26 May 2009

Open source is not about fiddling with and altering code to suit the enterprise, especially when switching to an open source operating system. On an organisational level, code alteration should not even be seen as a benefit. Those focusing on this as a value-add of open source often fail to see the true benefits.

Open source hobbyists or enthusiasts are more than welcome to play around with the existing code, but when it comes to editing the code of your organisation's backbone, even experienced users are cautioned to let it be.

In fact, the alteration of code on enterprise level can lead to disastrous effects, especially if the person making changes does not have the necessary skills and experience to do so successfully. It can mean company downtime, unstable infrastructures, security vulnerabilities and possibly even lost data.

The open source community

Getting the most out of open source on an enterprise level has to do with the community benefits that open source technology provides. Because the code is available to a community of developers, there are millions of eyes that continuously identify errors which means fast and superior bug-fixing. This ensures not only increased speed and quality, but a stable and secure working platform. The power lies in the makeup of the development model itself, and not the ability to alter this pristine code.

Someone deploying open source should have enough trust in the existing code to leave it alone completely. They should realise that not only is the code kept in flawless condition, but a large percentage of the developer's expenditure is put back into research and development - often more than what proprietary vendors invest.

Furthermore, open source providers give users more than ample support to address any questions or to assist in any modifications the company may require. It is advisable that support is always first sought, before any code alteration is considered.

The vendor issue

Organisations should also realise that many vendors that boast to be open source vendors are in fact, not so.

Getting the most out of open source on an enterprise level has to do with the community benefits that open source technology provides.

Muggie van Staden is MD of Obsidian Systems.

Just because they give out their code, this does not make them an open source vendor. Again, the community factor plays an integral role in whether or not vendors can be classified as an open source role-player. Not only do they need to have the backing of the open source community to ensure immaculate code that is regularly fixed and optimised, but they need to create the technology in an open source community fashion.

The fact that open source is being used more widely and not restricted to open source enthusiasts means open source's true message needs to be reiterated to newcomers.

Many vendors are jumping on the open source bandwagon and trying to make a 'quick buck' out of an emerging trend. Skewed versions of the definition of open source can largely be attributed to these vendors and it is recommended that companies seek out only certified and reputable open source vendors.

Open source technology is by nature practical and pristine. Reputable vendors will not boast that their software and hardware have new and sexy features; they will not use alterable code as a selling point or claim to be absolutely “free”.

Open source can only be considered to be so if it has a strong open source community backing. Anything less is something else entirely.

* Muggie van Staden is MD of Obsidian Systems.
