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Choice is yours with Printronix new family of line matrix ribbons

Johannesburg, 11 May 2010

Printronix has expanded its range of P7000 line matrix print ribbons to give users a choice of character yields while maintaining lowest cost per page, darkest print and optimum lifespan of bar codes and text.

With an emphasis on reliability and cost efficiency, Printronix P7000 ribbons contain ingredients to ensure readability by infrared OCR and bar code scanners.

“As a leading industrial and business printing solutions manufacturer, Printronix has determined that clients would benefit from having a choice of ribbons available to suit their specific needs,” says Rodney Bartman, CEO of PDC, sole distributor of Printronix in South Africa. “Priced to match customers' print volume and budget, the new ribbon packages offer more options for cost-effective purchasing.”

The new family of ribbons includes three alternatives. Standard Capacity features low price per ribbon, available in smaller quantities, for moderate use. Ultra Capacity boasts the company's gold standard ribbon, which is a hard working solution for most report and label printing applications. For higher use customers, Ultra Capacity Plus offers the lowest total cost of printing, longest ribbon life and fewest user interventions.

The three ranges are designed to cater for any application, from banking and logistics, to high volume batch printing. The Ultra Capacity option has already earned its stripes in report and label printing applications, and it's anticipated that the Standard and Ultra Capacity Plus ranges will live up to these high standards.

As an established supplier of printing equipment and accessories, management at PDC is enthusiastic about the new range. “Meeting diverse customer requirements is one of PDC's priorities. We're pleased to be able to offer a product so carefully designed to address their needs,” Bartman concludes.


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