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Cell C searches for next big tech ideas to invest in

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 07 Jul 2020
Juliet Mhango, Cell C chief human capital and transformation officer.
Juliet Mhango, Cell C chief human capital and transformation officer.

Mobile carrier Cell C has announced another leg of its Innovation Challenge, in a quest to find innovators or entrepreneurs with the “next big technology ideas to invest in”.

Cell C says the product or solution to be presented needs to be a digital, next-generation, commercially viable, scalable product/service utilising mobile technologies and fall within the ICT sector.

Entries to the challenge will be evaluated according to technology, technical functionality and feasibility (resources at hand, functionality and reliability in local conditions).

The social impact is also important, as the potential to help solve basic problems or challenges will be evaluated, including income-generation, job and training opportunities.

The Innovation Challenge was first launched in October 2019 in partnership with the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA).

It gives applicants the chance to accelerate their businesses by pitching “their ground-breaking ideas with the hope that Cell C and SEDA will support them”.

The mobile carrier says the partnership opportunity consists of interest-free loans, mentorship and the chance to work with Cell C as a supplier.

“During this difficult time in our country’s history, the Cell C Innovation Challenge is providing vital opportunities for innovative fledgling businesses and young entrepreneurs,” says Juliet Mhango, Cell C chief human capital and transformation officer.

“Nurturing and providing new skills and income for South Africans is one of the core values at Cell C, as evidenced through our Explore Data Science Academy partnership and our ICT employment initiative. We remain committed to providing upskilling opportunities to as many South Africans as we can.”

Participants must be South African citizens of 18 years or older and in possession of a valid South African identity, as well as Cell C employees who are affected by the mooted retrenchment and have been informed accordingly by their manager that they qualify for reskilling.

For more information on the Innovation Challenge, including the rules, pitch days and how to participate, click here.
