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Celebrating Africa's creative entrepreneurs: UVU Accelerate supports 12 creatives to international growth through Création Africa programme

Johannesburg, 20 Sep 2024
Top 12 entrepreneurs with French Ambassador to South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi, His Excellency David Martinon and members of the UVU Accelerate and IFAS team.
Top 12 entrepreneurs with French Ambassador to South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi, His Excellency David Martinon and members of the UVU Accelerate and IFAS team.

Twelve creative and cultural entrepreneurs from the Création Africa programme were celebrated during a prestigious two-day event, starting with an exclusive investor pitch day and a graduation ceremony hosted at the French ambassador's residence in Pretoria. Over the course of the celebrations, graduates from South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi showcased their creative products, pitched to potential investors, engaged in an interactive panel discussion and celebrated with peers and industry leaders.

The celebrations marked an end of their incubation journey with Création Africa and the beginning of a new and exciting journey filled with international growth and exposure. All 12 creatives were filled with gratitude and excitement as they humbly reflected on their growth ahead of their trip to Paris to take part in BIG 2024, Europe’s largest business and investment gathering, on an invitation from Bpifrance.

“When I applied to be part of this programme, I never thought that I, a young woman from a village in Malawi, would be going to Paris to showcase my film production business; I’m so excited,” said Chimwemwe Mkwezalamba, co-founder of Kwacha Creative Studios.

The French Ambassador to South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi, His Excellency David Martinon
The French Ambassador to South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi, His Excellency David Martinon

This life-changing opportunity will give them a chance to further expand their global networks and forge partnerships that could elevate their businesses to new heights.

These 12 creative innovators were selected from a group of 40 promising entrepreneurs in phase one, who in turn were chosen from over 700 applicants – showcasing the economic significance and rich diversity of the cultural and creative industries across South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi.

French ambassador announces UVU Africa as the best incubator on the continent

In a keynote address, the French Ambassador to South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi, His Excellency David Martinon declared UVU Africa as the "best incubator on the continent”, praising the organisation's exceptional work in supporting African entrepreneurs. “After an extremely rigorous process, we chose the best incubator on the continent, and we were not disappointed.” He further lauded UVU Africa’s comprehensive approach and highlighted the importance of working together to stimulate the creative economy. “By investing in creative sectors, we are driving growth, innovation and competitiveness, not only in the creative industries but also in the broader economies of South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi and beyond.”

Colour and innovation on display at the French Ambassador’s residence in Pretoria.
Colour and innovation on display at the French Ambassador’s residence in Pretoria.

“UVU Accelerate, the Entrepreneur Development and Incubation division of UVU Africa, is thrilled to have launched this inaugural programme, which attracted over 700 applications. We are especially proud to have collaborated with the Embassy of France in South Africa to design a programme aimed at empowering, supporting and stimulating the growth of the creative and cultural economy. The results have been truly remarkable, and we are celebrating all the people that came together to support these fantastic entrepreneurs in this incredible programme. This is just the beginning,” reflects Lara Rosmarin, Head of Entrepreneur Development and Incubation at UVU Accelerate.

Nurturing Africa's creative and cultural entrepreneurs

Creative industries have the potential to make a significant contribution to Africa's economic development.The Création Africa programme supported by the French Embassy, UVU Africa and Bpifrance is a transformative moment for Africa’s creative sector. The 12 Création Africa graduates not only embody the entrepreneurial spirit of the continent but also stand as a testament to the impact of strategic partnerships in unlocking economic potential. As they embark on this exciting journey, they carry with them the hopes and aspirations of a vibrant, creative Africa ready to engage with the world.

The 12 companies are Ananta Design Studio, Giya, LSJ Clothing and Merchandising (Butan), Moodswing, Pineapple on Pizza Studios, Renaissance Design, SpaceSalad Studios, Tendalo Trading and Thebe Magugu from South Africa; Kwacha Creative Studios and Terry Made Designs from Malawi and SourceCode Motion Pictures from Lesotho.

For more information, please contact: 
Razeena Palekar, UVU Africa Group Marketing and Communications Manager.
