
Cashless schools – five talking points from 2019

Reviewing the breakthrough developments in the 2019 Cashless School project.

It was a stellar year for the d6 Cashless School initiative. From the humble beginnings of managing only project payments at a handful of pilot schools in 2018, to offering a full cashless suite, encompassing all relevant payment points, 2019 was undoubtedly a year of growth. Let’s review the top accomplishments of the year behind us:

1. Cash on campuses reduced by R7 million

Numbers don’t lie, the d6 Cashless School initiative made serious inroads in 2019 towards its goal of creating a safe, cashless environment in all schools nationwide. To date, more than R7 million in payments that traditionally were paid over in cash passed through the d6 cashless environment. Besides making our schools safer, this also means that, in 2019, schools saved over R200 000* in cash handling and banking fees (* based on internal calculation of equivalent industry averages and comparable banking offerings).

2. Over 250 schools committed to reducing cash

The road to change is a hard one, and schools often get flak for lagging when it comes to modernising in response to a changing world. This is why it is heartening to see how many schools took up the cashless call in 2019. With over 230 new schools joining so far during 2019 and more coming in by the day, it’s clear that the danger of holding cash on the school premises is being taken seriously and decisive action is being taken.

3. First 10 tuck-shops offering tap or scan-to-pay payments

2019 saw the introduction of the on-campus component of d6 Cashless School initiative, and 10 leading schools volunteered to pilot wristband, card and mobile-based payments at their school tuck-shop, festivals and clothing stores available to parents and kids of all ages. After a successful testing period, this functionality has now been opened to all schools. A full cashless campus is finally a reality.

4. High school learners using mobile payments

The d6 Cashless School on-campus solution gives high-school learners the opportunity to manage their own funds, make mobile payments to the school and tuck-shop while still providing a level of control and security for their parents' peace of mind. By using the mobile payment option, parents can sleep easy, knowing the funds cannot be stolen or spent on nefarious items. The learners are still empowered to learn to control and manage their own funds in digital form, creating a win-win-win for parents, learners and the school.

5. Learning the importance of a tap

In a world where physical cash is becoming scarce, d6 Cashless School is teaching learners that the tap of a card or wristband still has monetary consequences (a lesson a number of adults are still struggling with). By providing a secured and controlled cashless card or wristband, learners are able to make purchases at tuck-shops and market days within the limits set by their parents, with every transaction validated with the learner’s picture.

To book a demo on how the d6 Connect application can offer your school a cashless environment in three easy steps, send a mail to:


Editorial contacts

Tania Hoon
Head: Marketing & Communication