The Central Applications Clearing House (CACH) online application service for matriculants who struggled to secure a place at a higher education institution of their choice, will open from 5 January to 28 February 2018.
Now in its fifth year, CACH is the online system provided by the Department of Higher Education and Training. It assists matric learners who applied for admission to a university or college in time, but have not been offered a place or their programme of choice.
The service can also be useful for prospective students who achieved better-than-expected results, and now wish to access a different course or higher education institution, according to a statement.
CACH has attracted 18 329 applicants, notes the statement.
"A survey taken on 10 087 applicants in March 2016 revealed 33% (3 328) of students had found a place in PSET (post school education and training) or employment since contacting CACH. A survey taken of 11 770 applicants in March 2017 revealed 37.3% (4 390) of students had found a place in PSET, or employment, since contacting CACH."
To register to use the online application service, click here.
Alternatively, prospective students can call the toll-free call centre number on 0860 35 66 35 or SMS their name and identity number to 49200.