
Business intelligence for iPad users

By Nadine Arendse
Johannesburg, 23 Sep 2011

Business intelligence for iPad users

Business is full of dramatic narratives, from CEOs with unique personalities, to soaring sales and market crashes, to cutthroat competition. Inside a company's massive storehouse of business data, one will often find nuggets that foreshadow what's coming - that is, if you look hard enough and can make sense of it all, says Network World.

Now mobile business intelligence app, Roambi is helping companies tell the story behind the numbers on the iPad. "We're combining analytics with editorial to make a rich style publication," says Quinton Alsbury, president and co-founder of MeLLmo, makers of Roambi.

Specifically designed for the iPad, Roambi Flow allows people to tell the story behind their numbers through engaging magazine-style reports and publications built with a simple point-and-click publisher. The Roambi Flow Viewer for iPad is available as a free download through the iTunes App Store. The Roambi Flow Publisher requires Roambi Analytics ES, and is available by contacting MeLLmo, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Today's employees are analysing an unprecedented amount of data, which is increasingly being consumed on mobile devices. These trends have driven the need for intuitive and engaging reports that combine interactive analytics, text, graphics and collaborative content, in order to convey the human perspective and interpretation behind the data. Roambi Flow delivers this rich content in a secure format that protects the confidentiality of critical information, allowing employees to analyse and interact with data while on the go.

The new software allows users to view magazine-style reports and publications on the iPad, according to The app is free, but requires MeLLmo's Roambi Analytics ES. Roambi's software is used to access business data, reports, research, and other information.
