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Business Connexion invests in tomorrow`s leaders

Johannesburg, 31 Aug 2005

Business Connexion, a leading integrator of competitive and innovative business solutions based on information technology (IT), donated five computers to the Revolutis Computer Centre Project in Soweto. The project aims to assist youth education and skills development by providing technology in areas with limited or no access to IT.

"The primary aim of our centre is to create self-sufficient young South Africans, with the hope that we will be the launch pad for learners to enter universities or technikons," says Sydney Mokhethi, director of the centre.

"IT students from the CIDA City campus have volunteered to teach basic computer skills to underprivileged learners at the centre. Such contributions from companies and the community help us to bridge the digital divide," he continues.

Hugo Winterbach, chief information officer at Business Connexion, says the company is committed to growing the South African economy. "Our contribution reinforces our involvement in the development and transfer of IT skills among the youth," Winterbach concludes.


Editorial contacts

Kim Hunter
Fleishman-Hillard, Johannesburg
(011) 548 2018