
Biometric system adopts GPRS

By Rodney Weidemann, ITWeb Contributor
Johannesburg, 30 Jun 2004

A mobile biometric time, attendance and access control system that transmits data to a secure central server for confirmation via GPRS is now available.

MobileBio, launched yesterday by Beget Holdings, uses Sony fingerprint identification technology and requires no swipe cards, cables, scanners, software or supporting computer hardware, thus eliminating complex installations.

"It`s as mobile as your cellphone and can work anywhere you can get a GSM signal," says Beget MD, Andre Potgieter.

"We use MTN as our preferred supplier, since it has guaranteed 10% of its network capacity for GPRS.

"Standard security access and time and attendance systems make use of magnetic cards, identification numbers or proximity cards to activate the system, but these are vulnerable to 'buddy clocking`, as they are unable to detect false acceptances."

'Buddy clocking` is when one staff member clocks in or out for other employees and can lead to security breaches, ghost employees, and inaccurate time and attendance records.

"Statistics reveal that up to 15% of a company`s salary bill is wasted on employees arriving at work late, leaving work early and false claims for overtime work," says Potgieter.

"Because this system operates in real-time, an employer who has fired a staff member, for example, can access the records via the Internet and remove them from the system immediately, even if the MobileBio device itself is far away."

He says clients can set up business rules on this database, using a standard Web interface, which allows for full reporting on all attendance exceptions and rules, and that users can add and edit rules in real-time via SMS or e-mail.

MobileBio can be used out in the field - such as at construction sites - or as an attendance register on the reception desk in the office.

"The device is ideal for such diverse organisations as schools, labour brokers and your small businesses - basically your average 'butcher, baker or candlestick maker` operation," he says.

"MobileBio confirms the identity of individuals by electronically capturing their fingerprints via the Sony biometrics device, which converts the fingerprint pattern into an algorithm and transmits this time and attendance data to a secure central server for confirmation by means of cellular technology."

He says that because it is a mobile device, location information is also available so that every time the system is used it can record the location.

"The MobileBio device offers operational savings, in terms of no clock card or identification card costs, as well as making data capturing and time calculating far easier. As for salary bills, there are savings due to the removal of 'buddy clocking` and ghost employees.

"It also provides security enhancements thanks to the real-time access control and the SMS or e-mail warnings of security infringements," says Potgieter.

Beget is providing nationwide technical and call centre support, as well as complete data recovery, and plans to market this product internationally, having already negotiated distributorship in parts of Europe, Africa and Australasia.

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