
Beware the “box-dropper”

Johannesburg, 19 Jun 2012

It's every IT manager's nightmare; you've finally convinced the CTO, the CFO and the CEO to sign on the dotted line for a new videoconferencing solution that would save time, reduce costs and improve communication. The problem is: it just doesn't work - and the company that did the sale simply shrugs their shoulders and says something to the effect of: “Sorry, it's not our problem - it's your network.”

In the days where ISDN was the main platform on which videoconferencing ran, the configuration and implementation of a videoconferencing (VC) network was by no means rocket science. However, with the switch to an IP platform, there are many more technical hurdles to take into consideration.

When considering a VC vendor, it is important to find one that doesn't just 'dabble' in videoconferencing, but a vendor that specialises in VC and has a good track-record in the implementation of IP-based VC networks. In May this year, Bridge Conferencing Solutions celebrated 11 years of being a specialised, dedicated VC provider.

Not only does Bridge Conferencing Solutions have significant experience in the installation of VC networks, we are also able to offer a cloud-based videoconferencing solution that can connect desktop users to each other, or to 'traditional' boardroom systems. This platform allows anyone with a PC, a Webcam and speakers (or a MAC, or iPad or even an iPhone) and a reasonable Internet connection, to have a videoconference with others anywhere, anytime. The even better news is that you don't have to pay any software licence fees, just a very reasonable connection fee for the time you stay connected.

To find out more about the benefits of videoconferencing, visit our Web site at, or give us a call on +27 (0)12 991 7999.


Editorial contacts

Jenny Bondi
Bridge Conferencing Solutions
(+27) 12 991 7999