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  • BBD achieves level 2 B-BBEE rating using education to uplift SA's ICT skills

BBD achieves level 2 B-BBEE rating using education to uplift SA's ICT skills

CEO Peter Searle.
CEO Peter Searle.

South African software technology company BBD takes transformation seriously, not just to assist with economic growth and development, but to change lives while improving ICT skills and contributing to job creation.

Its recent level 2 broad-based black economic empowerment rating is evidence of this. CEO Peter Searle believes BBD is playing a significant role in bridging the digital divide in South Africa. "We value each of our employees and strive to foster an inclusive and multifaceted culture. Our business and transformation strategies work hand-in-hand to allow for a true alignment of realities."

In early 2016, BBD concluded a deal with Sphere Holdings, which raised its ownership stake to 49.9%. Together with the 1.1% held by education charity Student Sponsorship Programme, this makes BBD 51% black-owned and provides it with a formidable new competitive advantage, while assisting its clients to meet local procurement and transformation targets.

Searle explains how he believes transformation needs to be a genuine initiative, and at BBD this is the case. "We drive upliftment through education, by broadening the skills base and ensuring more South Africans, who have the potential but not the means, are able to have access to the right education."

BBD transformation executive Precious Nkomo.
BBD transformation executive Precious Nkomo.

This thinking is reiterated by BBD transformation executive Precious Nkomo, who emphasises how transformation without economic growth would be unsustainable. "Part of the BBD way of working is fruitful partnerships to assist in nurturing software development talent in the underprivileged."

She adds that currently, BBD is supporting 50 graduate learners through WeThinkCode_, a revolutionary tech-based learning institution dedicated to eliminating South Africa's IT skills gap. "Partnering with WeThinkCode_ provides BBD with access to a pool of IT resources not previously available. These graduates are able to step into graduate level positions at BBD and thrive. The company has also formed a partnership with GirlCode, to empower women in technology, while showcasing the many exciting IT careers available."

A B-BBEE transformation unit drives BBD's requirement for the entire group, ensuring employee interests and the culture of the business are not compromised, while working towards remaining compliant.

Searle concludes that BBD's drive to uplift South Africa through education is an integral element of the company's DNA, providing the underprivileged with access to technology and technical learning.



A provider of custom software development and application design solutions, BBD's 34 years of technical and developer expertise spans the banking, finance, insurance, telecommunications, education and public sectors. BBD is South Africa's largest independent custom software development company, employing over 700 highly skilled, motivated and experienced IT professionals.

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