
Authentidate partners with Misys Open Source Solutions

Authentidate partners with Misys Open Source Solutions (MOSS) to offer healthcare providers access to Inscrybe Healthcare Applications on the Misys Connect Exchange Platform.

Johannesburg, 29 Jun 2011

Authentidate Holding (Nasdaq: ADAT), a worldwide provider of secure health information exchange, workflow management services and telehealth solutions, today announced that it has entered into a distribution agreement with Misys Open Source Solutions ("MOSS").

Pursuant to the agreement, Misys will offer Inscrybe Healthcare applications through the Misys Connect Portal. MOSS has integrated Inscrybe Healthcare applications for healthcare provider referrals and secure patient messaging into the MOSS Connect Portal for Health Information Exchanges (HIEs).

MOSS customers will be able to offer their providers the Inscrybe applications as part of the HIE deployment.

"A Health Information Exchange (HIE) is critical for healthcare systems to advance from paper to electronic health records and secure online communications in order to better co-ordinate care for patients. The Inscrybe Healthcare application is an example of a mashable service that can be plugged into the Misys Connect Portal to create value for its customers. As a certified MOSS application, the Inscrybe components offer the user the option to securely send patient referrals to other providers and attach critical patient records. The application also provides users with the ability to securely send messages to other providers all within a secure messaging environment - all in real-time - which promotes real-time collaboration. The solution is expected to increase the level of quality and efficiency in the community and maximise the return on investment for the HIE owners," commented Tim Elwell, Vice-President at MOSS.

Inscrybe Healthcare provides applications for information exchange between referring physicians, hospitals, care facilities and healthcare suppliers. Customers utilise the solution to expedite and streamline communication for medical services, such as therapy, home-care, equipment and supplies. In a typical use case, any healthcare provider who is a member of a MOSS HIE deployment can easily send a referral to another physician, a post-acute care facility, or supplier of medical products and services, as well as track the delivery of those services to patients.

As an example, a cardiologist who is discharging her patient from the hospital may refer the patient to cardiac rehab. Instead of having to copy all the EKGs and the hospital discharge summary, the cardiologist simply uses the MOSS HIE portal to identify the patient in the community and attaches the required electronic documents to the referral, and sends the materials electronically to the desired cardiac rehab provider. With a few mouse clicks, the information is sent efficiently, and the day and time of the transmission is stored for retrieval at a later time. MOSS works seamlessly with Inscrybe to make this workflow effortless for the user. Providers can also communicate with other providers and their patients online in a secure environment, without fearing that they are violating HIPAA rules and regulations.

"Inscrybe`s interoperability with the MOSS Health Information Exchange is an important step towards enabling new and innovative communications between providers, patients and other healthcare organisations. As more providers utilise health information exchange services, solutions such as this allow them to more efficiently work with their peers for the benefit of patients. Furthermore, with the number of patients managing their health online increasing, secure patient communication is becoming an ever-important means for providers to deliver care to patients and build relationships," said Gavin Stewart, Senior Director, Business Development at Authentidate.



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