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  • @lantic offers affordable Hosted Exchange to SME market

@lantic offers affordable Hosted Exchange to SME market

Johannesburg, 27 Sep 2010

Consumer ISP @lantic, a subsidiary of Vox Telecom, has launched its latest offering; Hosted Exchange, providing SMEs with access to mobile, secure and reliable communication at a fraction of the cost of a traditional corporate solution.

Server functionality has traditionally been limited to large business due to its high costs, but with Hosted Exchange, the installation and ongoing management fees are absorbed by an external vendor.

Microsoft Exchange, the world's leading messaging platform, provides full access to Microsoft Outlook 2007 functionality. “Unlike general mail hosting solutions, with Hosted Exchange, the user is able to access all their e-mail and associated functionality from a remote location,” says Timothy Quintal, Product Manager for @lantic.

“This product drives efficiency and increases productivity, through an anywhere, anytime solution that offers secure access to e-mail, shared calendars, contacts, tasks and attachments,” adds Quintal.

Other benefits of Hosted Exchange include an offline management system ideal for the business traveller, which synchronises all work done offline through a public folder.

Product costs range from R89 per month to R235 for the advanced offering and include; Hosted Exchange, BlackBerry synchronisation and backup recovery. A once-off activation fee of R99 is charged to activate the service.

“The biggest benefit of the BlackBerry integration, is that time spent travelling or away from the office is no longer downtime, but becomes productive time as workers can access their e-mail and share information with colleagues while they're on the move,” says Quintal.

Combining Hosted Exchange with @lantic's SMS Outlook Plug-in and Fax solutions provide small business users with a complete business solution all managed via a single interface in Outlook.

According to Quintal, as a small business professional, you should be able to grow your business with the same tools as companies with thousands of employees and massive budgets. With Hosted Exchange this is now possible.


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