
Android 'not so open'

Alex Kayle
By Alex Kayle, Senior portals journalist
Johannesburg, 08 Aug 2011

Android 'not so open'

Google Android's much-vaunted open source credentials do not mean the OS is 'open', according to experts, reports Slashgear.

Google's refusal to release a public roadmap and closed contributions process model all leave it behind rivals MeeGo and Symbian.

This is according to an open governance index report by research firm VisionMobile, which rates Android as 23% for its openness, reveals BGR.

Eclipse scored the best with an 84% open governance index and no other platform, besides Android, scored less than a 58%.

According to Wired, the study - which was partly funded by the European Union - focuses largely on open governance, inclusiveness, transparency, and ease of access to source code.
