E-tailer Amazon has partnered with online crowd-funding platform Kickstarter to sell a selection of more than 300 products that began their success on Kickstarter, via Amazon's start-up portal, Launchpad.
Launchpad, which debuted in July 2015, is Amazon's dedicated portal for marketing and selling products from tech start-ups. It aims to use its corporate connections, marketing infrastructure, massive customer base, and the trust these customers have in Amazon, to give young companies a leg-up.

Products in the "Made on Kickstarter" section of Amazon's Launchpad portal can be browsed by category - such as "electronics" and "wireless accessories" - or by theme; for example, "STEM products" or "inventing the future".
Commonly-cited products in the section include the Piper Computer Kit, which aims to teach children about computers as they build their own; the Prynt Case, a smartphone case that prints photos from the user's phone; and the MudWatt kit, a STEM education tool which allows users to build and grow a fuel cell from mud.