
Adapt IT's ePality - making service delivery simple

Johannesburg, 30 May 2011

Adapt IT's new offering enables public sector organisations to improve service delivery while creating value for citizens and stakeholders.

'Service delivery' is a current buzz-phrase in the public sector, especially where government entities such as municipalities are under scrutiny when it comes to delivering effectively to their citizens. Responding to this need, technology specialist Adapt IT has introduced ePality - a user-friendly, cost-effective software solution, using technology as an enabling tool to make service delivery simple.

What is ePality?

Developed on both open source and proprietary technologies and supported by skilled local resources, ePality aims to turn the vision of e-government into a reality for local government.

This 'out-the-box' suite provides an 'electronic municipality' through a number of different modules. Responding to municipal requirements, Adapt IT has taken up the challenge and designed the system to control document flow, manage processes, and service queries efficiently. Addressing key service delivery concerns such as transparency, accountability, and accessibility, ePality bridges the gap between current readily-available technology and the daily municipal working environment.

For Surendri Chetty, Microsoft Business Solutions Manager at Adapt IT, ePality's value lies in its ability to use advanced technological solutions at a grassroots level: “We've already done the groundwork in South African municipalities and we now offer a standardised package within the technology stack of your choice, setting it up quickly and cost-effectively.” Through its 'Office'-style modules, ePality corresponds to best practice standards while retaining the ability to be customised for the client, and it can be hosted on- or off-site, depending on client requirements.

In addition, Adapt IT's service desk ensures that this is not a 'knock and drop' implementation. Support and training are key to effective implementation, and Adapt IT's dedicated staff will train ePality users in order to achieve maximum value, not only for the municipality users, but for the citizens too.

How does ePality make a difference?

According to Warren Chavda, Adapt IT Manager: Business Development: “Our knowledge in this environment and experience in the field means that we understand the municipal structure intimately. Depending on the size of the municipality and their strategic objectives, the modules we offer ensure effective service delivery to the people - that is what gives ePality its edge.” Working with the best technology framework for the client, the ePality suite includes:

* Document Management Module
* Tender Module (including standardised templates and an aligned workflow)
* Fault Reporting
* Vacancy Publishing
* Internal Collaboration Module (meeting and task management, announcements, wikis)
* KPI Dashboards and Reporting/Monitoring Services (such as a Municipal Manager's Dashboard with access to information about queries and accountable parties)
* Online Media Centre (city newsletters, press releases)
* Transparency and Accountability through workflow logs, audit trails, and permissions (as per MFMA adherence)
* Intranet, Extranet, and Internet capability
* Mobile-ready
* And much more

With ePality, misplaced forms, unsolved queries and time-consuming errors are drastically reduced as the software package encourages process efficiency, a clear information trail, and the 'green' advantage of less paper waste.

Why now?

Having worked extensively in the government environment and with NGOs to deliver effective public services countrywide, Adapt IT is perfectly poised to deliver a unique product to the public sector. For Surendri Chetty: “ePality comes at just the right time, creating a bridge between specialised technology and necessary solutions that offers client value.”

While ePality will enhance processes within municipal entities, helping employees to better achieve and monitor KPIs, it will also have real-world impact on service delivery to the citizen at the end of the line. Whether it's a statement query or tender document submission, ePality makes service delivery priorities achievable and traceable at every stage.

Benefiting from Adapt IT's unique combination of technological expertise, hands-on experience and knowledge of this specific environment, ePality is ready-to-implement, robust and reliable. For entities that aim to achieve excellent service delivery in every sphere, investing in ePality is the future.
