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4Sight increases Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central access for Africa

Johannesburg, 09 Jun 2023
Nick Botha
Nick Botha

4Sight Dynamics Africa has announced that the software as a service (SaaS) version of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central application will become available to businesses in an additional 11 countries across Africa, effectively doubling access on the continent.

4Sight Dynamics Africa already supports partners benefiting from the cloud-based version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Angola, Mauritius, Kenya, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Nigeria.

Now businesses in Namibia, Madagascar, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Ghana and Senegal will also gain access to the business management and enterprise resource planning solution for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

“Microsoft has made steady progress in expanding coverage across Africa since first launching the solution into sub-Saharan Africa,” explains Nick Botha, MD of 4Sight Dynamics Africa. “With the launch of the SaaS solution in these additional countries, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central will be available in every major economy on the African continent.”

While less than half (22) of the 54 countries in Africa now have access to the solution, these economies contribute roughly 85% of Africa’s total GDP, which is estimated to reach $8.86 trillion (PPP) in 2023, according to IMF data.

“Providing SMEs across Africa with access to the latest technology solutions is vital to support their continued growth and enhance their competitiveness in the global business environment,” says Botha, explaining that cloud-based solutions offer significant advantages over the traditional on-premises model.

“Businesses gain quicker and easier access to a wider range of additional services and improved business process automation, in addition to more competitive pricing and an opex model that improves cashflow.”


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Jacqui Scorgie
Group Marketing Manager