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Themba Sibiya
Themba Sibiya

Strategy Manager, SASRIA

Themba Sibiya has worked in insurance all his life. He had his first stint on insurance with the long-term and later moved to short-term and that is where he has spent time in his career. Working at Sasria and being an antique there, he has held various positions – Internal auditor, Claims manager and a secondment to IT were he was entrusted with Applications management and Product owner for the CMS project. 

He is currently a Strategy manager at Sasria but like an old comrade in the struggle he had to be recalled to the claims department where he is assisting with complex claims following the event that rings all to this gathering. He loves all things fish & culinary experience _ his belly speaks to this effect, loves his family and tries to be involved despite all prevailing pressures, with money coming in the near future he would love a house in the distant woods. Loves bags and contemporary chairs.