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Leading a Security

Driving 24/7 security with limited resources


Tuesday 24 January 2023 | Online
A complimentary ITWeb webinar brought to you in partnership with Arctic Wolf

Register for the Webinar

Date: 24 January 2023

Time: 10:00 (GMT+2)

Duration: 60 minutes

Get advanced, proactive security 24/7 – with limited in-house resources!

The threat landscape has evolved in major ways over the past five years. Innovations and adaptations to how and where we work have expanded environments and increased cyber risk. A flood of new tools has made more noise for already overwhelmed security teams, making it more likely that a real threat gets missed. In today’s world, it can feel like the attackers are always a step ahead.

It’s time for a transformation in your organisation’s security. And that’s where Arctic Wolf comes in.

Arctic Wolf, a global leader in security operations, is now represented in South Africa, and invites you to attend this event to learn how to transform your security posture with limited resources. Discover the benefits of the Arctic Wolf Security Operations Cloud, to help you overcome resource constraints and proactively protect your environment.

Arctic Wolf’s innovative security operations solutions pair 24x7 monitoring, detection, and response capabilities with its Concierge Security Team for a proactive approach that stops attacks before they start.

You will learn from Arctic Wolf security experts how to integrate and manage your cyber security tools, how to quantify cyber risk for your business, and how too much noise impacts your cyber security posture. You’ll also find out how Arctic Wolf detected and responded to a real-world ransomware attack, and how they can help you transform your security operations.

Why should you attend?

Learn how to shift from reactive to proactive cyber security management

Overcome resource challenges and too much noise in your cyber security environment

Find out why you should adopt a cyber security framework, and how to select the right one

Learn how to bring the human element back to security and why it is important

Discover how Arctic Wolf, now in SA, can augment your team and fast-track you to effective security operations

Who should attend?

If you are an IT or security decision maker with limited in house resources and with security alert fatigue, this event is for you!

CIOs, CISOs, IT managers, IT directors, IT operations managers, Heads of information security, Heads of IT, IT project managers, Cyber security analysts, Head of Security, Head of Risk, Security Operations



Welcome and introduction

James Francis, writer and ITWeb Brainstorm contributor


Key challenges in security transformation

Jason Oehley, Regional Sales Manager, Arctic Wolf


How factors such as noise and the human element impact your cyber security posture

Jason Oehley, Regional Sales Manager, Arctic Wolf


The Arctic Wolf solution for cyber security management

Andre den Hond, Senior Systems Engineer, Arctic Wolf, South Africa


Q&A and closing

James Francis, writer and ITWeb Brainstorm contributor

Event Sponsor

About Arctic Wolf®

Arctic Wolf® is the market leader in security operations. Using the cloud-native Arctic Wolf® Platform, we help companies end cyber risk by providing security operations as a concierge service. Highly-trained Triage and Concierge Security® experts work as an extension of internal teams to provide 24x7 monitoring, detection and response, ongoing risk management and security awareness training to give organisations the protection, resilience and guidance they need to defend against cyber threats.

Learn more at: www.arcticwolf.com