MD, Pangolin Software Solutions
Theo van Heerden studied Industrial Engineering at the University of Pretoria. He has always worked in roles where complex business challenges need to be resolved with technology. He started his career in a project management role with one of the major banks in South Africa. This was when digitized, online transactional processing was in its infancy. He performed a CIO role at a retailer with a major expansion strategy rolling out SAP ERP to 25 branches and opening new warehouses. He soon realised that being an entrepreneur is his passion and he started his own technology business. Managing that business for 7 years he was introduced to OnBase and started working with the local Hyland office. Soon he realised the potential of the Hyland platform and decided to work for Hyland to learn and understand the technology. This was a wonderful phase in his career – being part of this vibrant company, networking with international and local partners and really bedding down his knowledge of the product. The entrepreneur in him soon awakened a business idea to start his own Hyland Partnership, specialising in creating industry solutions using the Hyland Content Services Platform. Pangolin Information Solutions is the result of this innovation and the company is growing by providing content based solutions through a team of competent resources to local and international customers. In his part time, he spends time outdoors with his family, hiking, fishing, surfing and hunting.