Customer Engineer, Digicloud Africa
Sizwe Mabanga has been working in IT for closing on 2 decades (mostly as a full stack developer in various industrial verticals) and has recently fallen madly and deeply in love with Google’s Cloud Platform. His main interests are around how the cloud enables cross-functional teams to produce value for organizations in the fastest, most sustainable, cost-efficient way possible. Sizwe joined Digicloud Africa in 2019 and is tasked with helping clients and partners arrive at the smoothest migration path to cloud enabled or full cloud architectures.
Sizwe has seen his fair share of architectures that solved for some or other set of business needs and processes. He gets quite philosophical about the nature of success in modern information Technology. He advocates we embrace approaches to productivity that emphasise competence at a team level rather than at an individual level. In the organisational context, the team is the core functional component of sustainable success. 5 ordinary people who gel and work well together will beat a set of exceptional people with no rapport every day all day. This focus on teams from an industrial psychology POV is a significant pivot in the way organisations are set up