White paper: Cloud, SAP and security

Johannesburg, 05 Oct 2020

The numbers speak for themselves. Since 2000, the three major providers Amazon, Google and Microsoft have together invested 270 billion dollars in their cloud infrastructures, 116 billion dollars of which was invested in 2018/2019 alone. And for good reason: the initial scepticism of many companies towards the large US public cloud providers is waning.

Hyperscalers are now considered to be the cloud heavyweights that can be used to build multi-cloud environments. It has long since ceased to be just a matter of renting storage space and buying computing power.

AWS, Google, Microsoft and others are building ecosystems with a wide range of services that customers can integrate into their own IT infrastructures. Even business-critical enterprise software such as SAP can be run on the hyperscalers’ infrastructure. This makes the companies extremely flexible and supports them on their path to digital transformation.
