Fleet management meets AI and data analytics

“One of our analytics system’s early adopters in the distribution game, managing a fleet of some 400 vehicles, realised a 22.8% reduction in running costs within six months of implementation…”
Macrocomm Fleet Analytics – smart made simple.
Macrocomm Fleet Analytics – smart made simple.

For over 30 years, telematics has played a significant role in fleet management through facilitating remote eyes on vehicles via a wide selection of sophisticated fleet management platforms. In essence, fleet owners are spoiled for choice in this hotly competed and well-matured space.

With that being said, there is a major caveat in the fleet telematics data management space. While these fleet management solutions remain a powerful and essential tool, the myriad data sets surrounding the running of fleets begs in-depth analysis to reveal actionable insights aimed at optimising fleet efficiency. It is no secret that top fleet managers (usually in the road-freight logistics industry) spend an inordinate amount of valuable time and resources analysing data – in most cases entirely unassisted by technology-based data analytics engines – to optimise operations in accordance with their findings. As for the rest of the overworked fleet owners and managers, fleet is a necessary evil, not a core competency. They need every bit of help they can get in the quest for optimal operation.

Macrocomm’s Fleet Analytics system boasts nearly seven years of machine learning under its belt. Built around fleet industry inputs from fleet operating and financing institutions and vastly experienced fleet industry experts, the solution is the answer to fleet managers across all business types and sizes. Through in-depth data analysis, Macrocomm’s Fleet Analytics solution reveals seldom-seen insights around cost reduction and fleet operation optimisation.

Through fully automated harvesting of all costing data from source, high granularity trip and driver behaviour data from telematics units, and lightning-speed processing and analysis of the data, the system calculates accurate total cost of ownership (TCO) and critically identifies wasteful or unwarranted expenditure. A secure web app customised to each client’s specific requirements presents the data and insights in a user-friendly dashboard style.

Corrective action applied to where the system identifies weaknesses, along with ongoing monitoring to ensure maintained optimisation, undeniably results in a significant return on investment (ROI) within mere months of implementation. One of our analytics system’s early adopters in the distribution game, managing a fleet of some 400 vehicles, realised a 22.8% reduction in running costs within six months of implementation and, most importantly, continues to reap the benefits nearly seven years down the line. Across the board, our clients benefit significantly from this system.

Macrocomm’s Fleet Analytics system has simply revolutionised feet management as the marketplace currently knows it. Described as “best in class” by one of the heaviest hitters in the fleet management industry and attracting comments along the lines of “where have you been all our lives” by all our adopters, Macrocomm Fleet Analytics has raised the bar in fleet management best practices through introducing long-overdue analytics into this data-rich environment that, until Macrocomm Fleet Analytics came along, was sorely neglected.
