Linux Professional Institute (LPI) transforming to a membership-based organisation

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Board announced in February it will be transforming to a membership-based organisation. This includes LPI South Africa. LPI, which celebrate 20 years of service to the Linux community this year, aims to better serve its certificate holders and to support those who have trusted its certifications as a validation of expertise over the last 20 years.

LPI's goals over the years has been to help steer careers and entrepreneurship by proving the skills of practitioners working with open source software. Its focus has been on Linux distribution neutrality, training methods, and promoting open source.

Under the new arrangement, certification holders will soon be able to become LPI members, which means they will have the ability to elect the LPI Board of Directors and steer the direction of the organisation.

Members will be able to keep their certification up to date and their status active through continuous education, work experience, or participating in open source projects and communities, helping to create a body of professionals that industry and service provides can rely on for their know-how and skill.

"We are calling on all our certificate holders in southern Africa to be active participants in defining the future of LPI," said Mark Clarke, Head of LPI Southern Africa. "Currently, LPI is soliciting certificate holder input to better understand their needs and requirements, and we would like to hear from certificate holders in southern Africa." LPI is soliciting input via an online member survey.

If you're already a holder of an LPI certification, joining LPI will be easy, and LPI is working on simple ways for holders of inactive LPI certifications to become members and regain active status.

Building ambitious people and getting certified in Linux, while generating exciting potential career paths, is one of the reasons why people are part of the LPI group. This is what education in open source is all about; regardless of background and circumstances, the world of technology is now open to us all.


Editorial contacts

Zanele Tshabalala
Jumping Bean
(011) 781 8014