Understanding the ERP landscape in SA

Johannesburg, 17 Sep 2014
Whitepaper: Epicor - Understanding the ERP landscape in SA
Whitepaper: Epicor - Understanding the ERP landscape in SA

This white paper is based on a recent survey conducted among IT professionals across South Africa. The main objective of the survey was to understand the enterprise resource planning (ERP) landscape in South Africa in the context of global trends.

An ERP system represents a significant investment of time and money for any organisation, and making the right choice of software can lead to a number of benefits, from gaining a comprehensive view of all business activities to being able to access real-time data that can support instant decision-making and share up-to-date information with outside stakeholders such as customers, partners, and suppliers.

South African manufacturers and distributors face the same challenges as their international counterparts. Finding ways to streamline processes by implementing lean principles is essential to cutting costs and improving profitability. Never before has it been more important to leverage technology to achieve this. And not just in certain areas, but across the organisation.
