UBank has been providing basic financial services to mine workers and their families for over 40 years. Its clients and the communities in which they operate are central to its business. It is therefore continuously looking for ways to bring people a better banking experience.
As such, UBank recently rolled out a state-of-the-art flagship branch in Klerksdorp. It serves as a blueprint for future branches, and Emerge Queue was appointed to equip it with an innovative queuing solution.
The Klerksdorp branch is fairly small, with two waiting areas, five help desks and three tellers. To help meet UBank's business objective of measuring and improving customer experience at the branch, Emerge Queue installed its Qmatic Orchestra Essential 6.2 system. It's an enterprise-class customer journey management platform designed for on-premises and cloud deployment.
UBank Klerksdorp's system runs on a Qmatic Intro 8 terminal and incorporates four 32-inch media screens. How it works is that customers simply join the queue and grab a ticket at the terminal. Each ticket has a unique queuing number and the media screens show the queue's progress.
The installation of the system was a team effort and the Emerge Queue technicians worked tirelessly over a weekend to get the job done. They also worked closely with UBank's marketing partner, Blue Apple, to test the marketing material being displayed on the screens. Any kinks in the system were efficiently and expertly dealt with, to ensure the branch was ready to welcome UBank clients to a new, cutting-edge banking experience.
"Our award-winning systems have proved themselves in various sectors across South Africa - from healthcare and public service, to retail and banking. However, without the hard work and dedication of our team, successful roll-outs such as this wouldn't be possible. Well done to all involved," says Eugene Swanepoel, Managing Director of Emerge Queue.
Emerge Queue is the sole provider of Qmatic customer journey solutions in South Africa, as well as other neighbouring countries. It is a Qmatic Premium partner and the market leader in South Africa. For more information on any of its products and services, please visit www.emergequeue.com.