Seven tips to build and grow an e-mail list from scratch

Connect with subscribers.
Connect with subscribers.

E-mail marketing is a highly effective strategy that every business, large or small, should include in its digital marketing strategy. But what if you don't have an e-mail list? It’s easy, just build it!

Building and growing an e-mail list from scratch can be time-consuming, but employing various strategies can significantly speed up the process. Remember, the goal is quality, not necessarily quantity.

Here are seven tips to help get you started:

Tip 1: Create valuable lead magnets

Develop lead magnets like guides, e-books or industry reports that address your audience's need for advice, concerns or problem resolving. These valuable pieces of content should be substantial enough to justify the exchange for an e-mail address.

Tip 2: Add simple sign-up forms to your website

Place simple sign-up forms in visible areas on your website, such as the top of your sidebar, after blog posts or in the footer. Use compelling copy to highlight the benefits of subscribing. You can also consider creating a dedicated landing page that focuses solely on the advantages of joining your list.

Tip 3: Promote your subscriber list on social media

Regularly market your e-mail list on social media platforms where your audience is active. Share snippets of your newsletter content to give followers a preview of what they’re missing. Engage with your audience by emphasising the unique value your e-mails provide.

Tip 4: Incentivise your subscribers

Offer a compelling incentive to encourage immediate sign-ups, such as a discount code or free shipping on the first order. Ensure the incentive aligns with your business model and appeals to your target audience.

Tip 5: Host webinars or online events

Organise informative sessions on topics relevant to your audience and promote these events on your social channels. Offer free access in exchange for an e-mail registration. Follow up with attendees post-event, providing additional value to encourage ongoing subscription.

Tip 6: Collect sign-ups at physical events

When attending trade shows or hosting physical events, have a tablet or sign-up sheet ready to collect e-mail addresses. Train your staff to explain the benefits of subscribing, making it easy for attendees to see the value. Provide a small incentive, such as a free sample or exclusive content, to encourage sign-ups on the spot.

Tip 7: Use other marketing materials

Incorporate sign-up options in your physical marketing materials like flyers, business cards or product packaging. Include a QR code that leads directly to your sign-up form, bridging the gap between offline marketing and digital list building. This can help capture e-mail addresses from various touch points.

E-mail marketing is an effective strategy for businesses of all sizes. With's Email Only Hosting, you can start connecting with subscribers even before your website is live. This service helps you maintain a professional image, ensures reliable e-mail delivery and protects your sender reputation, providing a strong foundation for your e-mail marketing campaigns.


Editorial contacts

Chantél Venter
Marketing Department (Domains)
(+27) 11 640 9700