Address the talent shortage with a unified security approach

Johannesburg, 06 Jun 2023

The need for skilled cyber security personnel is having an impact on companies’ ability to stay secure. Despite the global cyber security workforce growing to 4.7 million in 2022, reaching record levels, according to data from the (ISC)² 2022 workforce study, there’s still a need for more than 3.4 million security professionals, an increase of 26% over 2021.

Businesses are realising they need to find new solutions to deal with this skills gap and they are turning to technology to achieve efficient protection and optimise security resources.

How to shrink the cyber security talent gap

“The cyber security talent shortage has increased the pressure and demands on the existing workforce. On the one hand, security administrators must protect their organisations from increasingly advanced threats with limited time and resources. On the other, they have to keep up with new technologies and regulations,” says Dolos CEO, Dominic Richardson.

If your organisation is struggling with security workloads and the added challenges of the skills shortage, here are a few measures that can help:

1. Training

Nearly 95% of CIOs report that certification programmes have helped their organisations shrink the skills gap. Providing training and certification opportunities for security personnel benefits both organisations and individuals. For instance, cyber security vendor certification programmes allow team members to complement their academic qualifications and update their knowledge with relevant cyber security skills so that they can deploy and operate the new products and technologies that can protect your organisation.

2. Automation

In addition to training, companies need to leverage technology to lighten the load on their employees. AI and automation-driven solutions are great options in this respect. More than half (57%) of organisations are already automating aspects of their security, while another quarter (26%) intend to do so in the near future. Data from a recent report reveals that the lack of prioritisation and automation has lost organisations thousands of hours in terms of time and productivity by generating massive backlogs, which they simply do not have the time or resources to manage. Automation is key to optimising the efficiency of cyber security teams. The greater the number of repetitive tasks you can automate, the more time your analysts will have to focus their efforts on key complex tasks.

3. Integrated security

Disconnected security is clearly no longer an option in the sophisticated threat landscape of 2023. Businesses need to adopt a unified and simplified approach to security. Failure to integrate cyber security tools into a heterogeneous security approach leads to operational inefficiencies and wasted time and resources. This increases your team’s workload and produces security cracks and visibility gaps that weaken your company’s overall security posture.

An integrated strategy comes to grips with this issue by concentrating on equipping the limited number of professionals available to organisations with the best possible toolsets to optimise their knowledge and work.

A Gartner survey revealed that 65% of organisations expect to improve their overall risk posture and reduce complexity through vendor consolidation. The best way to address many of the challenges the cyber security talent shortage causes is to adopt a more simplified, comprehensive approach. Implementing a unified approach with a single security platform enables businesses to strengthen their defences against advanced threats by automating tasks and streamlining processes. Apart from enabling professionals to work efficiently and effectively and achieve robust security, this strategy also aims to improve the employee experience, which enhances talent retention and mitigates problems associated with staffing shortages.

Contact the Dolos team to find out more about how adopting a unified security approach helps protect organisations and their resources. 
