Decade of innovation and success: Reflecting on Data Sciences Corporation's journey in SA's market

Celebrating a decade of innovation, Data Sciences Corporation reflects on its journey, achievements and future in the South African IT market.

Johannesburg, 08 Aug 2023

Introduction: A legacy of excellence

As Data Sciences Corporation marks its 10th anniversary this month, we find it apt to reflect on our journey, accomplishments and the rich history that has shaped us into a leader in the South African IT market.

Adrian Wood, Business Operations Director, Data Sciences Corporation.
Adrian Wood, Business Operations Director, Data Sciences Corporation.

The Persetel era: A formidable beginning

Our roots stretch back to the ethos of a now-forgotten giant of the 1980s, Persetel, an indomitable entity in the mainframe arena. Leveraging Hitachi mainframe and storage technology, Persetel made its mark against giants like IBM and Amdhal, providing state-of-the-art technology at competitive prices underlined by top-tier service.

Transitioning from mainframe: A new direction

As the 1990s approached, the tide began to turn from mainframe to open systems technology in enterprise data centres. This shift led to the merger of Persetel and Q Data to form Persetel Q Data Holdings (PQ Holdings), redirecting focus towards open systems and severing ties with Hitachi. An opportunity was found amid change, and the former Hitachi team set forth to promote new storage array technology in South Africa.

Shoden Data Systems: Innovating the market

In 2000, Shoden Data Systems launched with Hitachi's backing, introducing the revolutionary Hitachi Lightning Storage to the South African market. As an underdog, the team demonstrated innovation and unmatched service, eventually building a significant business. Shoden’s success attracted global attention, leading to its acquisition by Hitachi Data Systems in 2012.

Challenges and new beginnings: Forming Data Sciences Corporation

Disagreements with corporate strategies and emerging disruptive technologies paved the way for core team members to establish Data Sciences Corporation in August 2013. With aspirations to build a business centred on people, we sought to continue the legacy of innovation and world-class service.

Strategic partnerships: Propelling success

“Our careful selection of technology partners, such as Pure Storage and NEC, has been vital to our success, propelling us to new heights,” says Adrian Wood, Business Operations Director, Data Sciences Corporation.

These partnerships have earned us several awards and a reputation as an "extension" of our vendors in the market.

Customer focus: Building brand and trust

Throughout our 10-year journey, staying relevant to our enterprise customers and building trust one client at a time has been a cornerstone of our success. We are proud to have a robust base of sought-after brands nationwide.

Facing the competitive landscape: Differentiation and value

In South Africa's challenging and sometimes overcrowded technology market, differentiation through next-generation technology that adds real business value has been the underpinning principle of our growth and continued competitiveness.

Looking ahead: Embracing the future

As we look forward to the next five to 10 years, the original strategies and core values will remain central to our success. Our investments in areas such as AI and our partnership with NVIDIA have positioned us to embrace the next wave of technology.

Conclusion: Gratitude and commitment

“We close this reflection amazed and grateful for the success we have achieved as Data Sciences in South Africa,” says Wood. Our achievements are a testament to our commitment to service excellence, the unwavering support from our partners and the trust our customers have placed in us. The future is bright and we remain dedicated to providing innovative solutions and exceptional service in the years to come.
