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Making a difference that matters

"There can be no greater gift than that of giving one's time and energy to help another without expecting anything in return." - Nelson Mandela

Johannesburg, 21 Jul 2017
Nelson Mandela International Day.
Nelson Mandela International Day.

Nelson Mandela International Day inspires people across South Africa - and the world - to act and make a difference in someone's life, even if it's only for 67 minutes on 18 July each year.

This day is more about a simple man who made a choice to lead by serving than about Nelson Mandela, the icon. To serve as an example and a reminder that it doesn't take much to make a change in the life of someone who really needs it.

Our Meniko team did their bit on this day. We made a pledge to knit 100 scarves, which we will hand over to one of the children's homes in Pretoria. Children are one of our country's most important assets of future leaders, and what Mandela's legacy is about. We're proud to have a team that wants to serve and take care of the communities we live in.

What did you do on Mandela Day? Follow Meniko on our Twitter and Facebook pages and share your stories with us.

Make every day a Mandela Day!


Editorial contacts

Rea Manonyane
Meniko Records Management Services
(012) 347 7729