
Alex Bowdler

IT Operations & Security Manager, Aspen Pharmacare

Computer Geek. Passionate about technology and how to apply it. When not in front of his tech device, you'll find Alex having fun in the kitchen. Well-travelled. Needs two cups of coffee for the engine to run optimally. Proud veteran of the MS-DOS (My Starter "Down-Memory-Lane" Operating System) club.

Alex Bowdler will be speaking on the following topic:

Case study Where does cybersecurity belong in your organisation? Creating the right culture and structure to enable cybersecurity to be effective
  • What are the pros and cons of locating cybersecurity within the following departments:
    • Risk
    • Operations
    • IT
    • Physical security
  • Who is responsible for what? Creating appropriate reporting lines specific to your organisation and separating the governance of cybersecurity from its implementation
  • Ensuring collaboration across all the different departments and encouraging the person responsible for cybersecurity to share information
  • Getting the culture right: creating an environment of openness and transparency in order to manage the organisational risk
  • Creating an agile structure for a fast response, e.g. emergency procurement processes
  • What are the pros and cons of outsourcing the CISO function and cybersecurity services?

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