DevSecOps: How are your security teams managing?

The need to develop, test, deploy and monitor software timeously while ensuring that the applications are safe and secure, causes headaches for developers across the board.

ITWeb Cloud & Data Centre Summit 2022

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Although security is crucial to the success of project and initiative, it is not always implemented effectively. Some development teams view cyber security as a lone task handled by a different team at the end of the development cycle, just in time for the application to be released. However, when security is tacked on as an afterthought, and happens at the end of the development cycle, it can cause more problems than it solves.

Fixing issues becomes complex and inefficient, taking up time and resources, which cost the company. It also results in the release date being pushed back, which defeats the purpose of trying to get to market as quickly as possible.

Step in DevSecOps. With DevSecOps, security is built in from the ground up, and is part of the entire development and delivery process. This enables developers to fix small issues before they become bigger, more complex problems. 

“In the digital age where cyber attackers are relentless in their quest to infiltrate organisational information and ransack them of millions of dollars, DevSecOps is one solution,” says Bramley Maetsa, head of delivery enablement, Sasol.

With DevSecOps, availability of reliable and secure cloud infrastructure and platforms is crucial.

At the upcoming ITWeb Cloud & Data Centre Summit 2022, being held on 24 February at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton, Maetsa will be presenting on “DevSecOps: How are your security teams managing?”

During his presentation, Maetsa will explore how DevSecOps tools built with automation and other new technologies enable agile and secure software development.