group chief information officer, Discovery
Derek joined Discovery on 1 February 2018 and is currently the Group Chief Information Officer. He started his career in 1994 as the Founder Managing Director of Information Security company Trusted Network Solutions. After the merger of Trusted Network Solutions into Internet Solutions in 1995, Derek served in a variety of Executive roles at Internet Solutions, including that of Managing Director from 1998-2001.
Subsequent to the acquisition of Internet Solutions by Dimension Data, Derek joined Dimension Data Middle East and Africa as Executive for Strategy in 2001. In 2005 he became the Services Executive. In 2009 Derek returned to Internet Solutions as Managing Director. In 2012 Derek became Chief Executive Officer of Dimension Data Middle East and Africa. In 2015 Derek became the Group Chief Information Officer of Dimension Data Plc. During his tenure at Dimension Data, Derek was a director of various subsidiaries and associates, including 3Fifteen, FibreCo, Plessey and Access Kenya and served on the NTT Group CIO Committee.
Derek currently serves on the board of venture funded technology firm Snapt and on the Risk Committee of the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Program.