
Koen Matthijssen

Founder, Enable-U Africa

Koen Mathijssen, founder, Enable-U

Koen Matthijssen is a proud Ajax Amsterdam fan who runs Enable-U Africa, in that order.

As founder of Enable-U Africa, Koen helps customers to succeed in the fast-changing world of IT. Digital transformation, API management, AI and IOT are terms that are common now in the market. As part of Enable-U Netherlands, Koen started to focus on the African market, helping telcos, banks, insurers, retailers and government customers. Smart city initiatives are projects where Enable-U focuses, with its specialization being in integration and API management. Koen has been involved in API management, the SOA governance roadmap, digital transformation projects as a consultant/project manager. He has worked for different projects around the world, and of course, for the city of Amsterdam.

Before devoting his work full-time to Enable-U Africa, Koen worked as a developer, system architect, senior consultant, BPM consultant and project manager.

Koen Matthijssen will be speaking on the following topic:

Digital transformation in Government

Digital Disruption, application economy and smart cities are some of the hot buzz words. They all however revolve around the idea that solutions enable companies and governments deliver new value and improved customer experience to their customers or citizens. Companies are normally under pressure and scrutiny to adopt new methods of doing things to make themselves more competitive. Governments on the other hand, are normally late adopters of technology and change. However, with the move towards customer centricity, and the growing application economy, they cannot, and should not be left behind.

  • Koen will address the idea of digital transformation in Government, and present how innovative solutions from the smart city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and Huduma in Kenya are helping drive new digital experiences for their citizens.

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