
Andrew Moodley

Chief digital officer, Axiz

Andrew Moodley, Chief digital officer, Axiz

Andrew Moodley joined Axiz in September 2013 as the executive for Advanced Technologies, the value-added start-up within Axiz. He brought over six years’ experience in the distribution sector and prior to that spent 10 years in various technology and business roles within the ISP and telco sector. Moodley currently focuses all his energy on building out and aggressively growing the digital transformation strategy across all business units, ensuring that Axiz remains relevant in an industry that is ever-changing. He understands the role the digital sphere plays in the quest to remain relevant, and has recently taken up the role of chief digital officer.

Andrew Moodley will be speaking on the following topic:

Thought-leadership from the inside out Moving from analogue to digital - product distribution to a platform business

Axiz's digital transformational journey captures a trajectory of moving a business from being a pure traditional distributor of products (hardware and software) to a platform for trade facilitating a value driven ecosystem. This journey not only transcends technology but fundamentally entails redefining a new business identity in digital presence, redefining and investing in new core business competencies with value proposition to market while challenging, but leveraging, traditional business thinking.

The obvious complexities and challenges clearly eliminates the possibility of a "one size fits all" strategy to all business, "or does it?" Nonetheless the digital age demands unprecedented business designs to survive this unpredictable but inevitable wall. The "platform business" perhaps present a methodology to begin unravelling key business concepts in transforming a business.

  • Discuss the critical strategic decision points involved in this trajectory he leads within Axiz
  • Determine the importance of design thinking principles that are essential to navigating through the digital transformational journey

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