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Agnat Max Makgoale
Agnat Max Makgoale

snr account manager: education sector, Amazon Web Services, South Africa

Agnat Max Makgoale is a Snr Account Manager in the Education sector of Amazon Web Services, South Africa. He services the Higher Education institutions, government and Science institutions in South Africa with a focus on solving meaningful problems in education, academic research and government. Max is very passionate about how technology can be used to transform the lives of South Africans at every level with education being at the centre of it all.

Max is light current Electrical Engineer by training who served his first few years in business with companies including SOEs and blue-chip IT organisations in mainly customer-focused and leadership roles.

Max is an innovator an initiator with 25 years’ experience in the IT industry. He was instrumental in the formation of various business units in corporates and founded successful start-ups in the ICT industry.