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  • Bennie Kotze

Bennie Kotze

Manager of the ECM strategy development unit, Nokusa Engineering Informatics.

Bennie Kotze is manager of the ECM strategy development unit at Nokusa Engineering Informatics.


King IIIJan 30, 2012

King III consolidates role of IT

Company directors must ensure governance information is supported by efficient and effective records management, says Bennie Kotze, enterprise content management specialist at NokusaEI.


Viva Otlet, viva!

Paul Otlet believed well managed information would prevent wars and make the world a better place for all.


Ready for blast off

Records management is like going to the moon (again).


ECM as an organisational nervous system

Much like the human nervous system, enterprise content is a complex network of interrelated points and signals.


Don't underestimate ECM complexities

Enterprise content management is intrinsically tied to business strategy and requires a holistic approach.


Enterprise content management demystified

Although enterprise content management (ECM) has been around for some time, there is an absence of a strategic approach towards ECM, says Bennie Kotze, senior consultant, ECM strategy development at NokusaEI.