If growth of attack techniques continues into 2019 through hits on automated tech, the best years of system security may well be behind us.
We still need to be hyper-critical of the impact of AI-powered decisions on people and society.
In today's fast-paced managed services industry, it is more important than ever that a company acts as a trusted advisor to its customers.
As with crypto-currencies, the speed at which innovation can take hold and outpace regulation is concerning.
It's important to acknowledge that security risks associated with edge computing are different to those of a centralised environment.
The adage of reuse, reduce, recycle should also apply to corporate IT operations, as an astounding level of wasteful expenditure is the norm.
Actual mimicked `human' interaction with a device, robot or machine is the stuff of the future.
When it comes to data virtualisation, there is a distinct difference between what was promised, versus the actual onsite experience.
The unprecedented amount of data at our fingertips today enables the smart application of integrated, collaborative, intelligent fraud hunting systems.
Troubleshooting on the modern network has become a complex, time-consuming exercise. It's time to consolidate network monitoring.
The promise of blockchain could be undone by recent advances in the protection of personal identification information.
This year saw significant progress towards providing ever-present, universal control and management solutions for new-generation networks.