Companies should look past the myths and hype of artificial intelligence to discover its real potential, for good and bad.
How to balance anti-money-laundering management with the pressure to meet `know your customer' requirements.
The convergence of technology and humans is quickly barrelling us into the fifth industrial revolution: the era of artificial intelligence.
Math and stats can tell us all sorts of interesting things about data, by identifying patterns and unlocking buried truths or secrets.
Why have so few companies managed to give us a Google Assistant, Alexa or Siri experience in the customer service arena?
Meta analytics is the new model for enabling complete data and process oversight.
Frictionless security can unlock ironclad customer onboarding for companies.
Systems work when we all speak and understand the same language.
Those fighting illicit trade are about to get a welcome addition to their arsenal, as tracking is poised for a dramatic improvement in effectiveness.
What's more important: the speed of recovery or the amount of data an organisation is willing to lose?
If your organisation's talented IT staff can't handle the heat, you may need to hire better IT managers. Here's why.
While the visual element is key, the core strategic component of data visualisation is the ability to unlock the story in the data.
In the age of the experience economy, customer loyalty is driven by convenience and instant access to information.