Local political parties use the mobile channel as a campaign tool.
A look at the risks involved in using unauthorised products.
Don't be fooled by vendors' promises of an all encompassing network access control solution.
As long as it is costlier for companies to execute certain jobs, they will consider outsourcing them.
Communication software vendors must reinvent themselves as SaaS moves into the mainstream.
It is easier to obtain patent protection for computer software inventions in the US.
New technologies will become vital due to ever-increasing storage needs.
Best practice ensures correct and consistent adherence to policy.
Financial consolidation is one of the applications that make up enterprise performance management.
Desktop virtualisation is taking its place as the trend on the horizon.
HR will create value when it helps a company differentiate itself from its primary competitors.
ZK allows for rapid application development, and Wicket supports full unit testing of the front-end.
With around 200 million spam messages sent every day, increasing pressure is being placed on ISPs.